People involved with horses experience the equestrian lifestyle, an all encompassing life that involves culture, style, relationships, stories, people, & more. For instance, some people experience equestrian lifestyle through educational opportunities or their career. Others dive into culture by reading horse books, buying horse art, shopping for horse things, watching horse movies or television shows, listening to equine-related podcasts, attending parties and events at horse shows and events, etc. Equestrian style can range from western style, hunter style, colorful horse and pony style for children, etc. Young Rider also covers humor, horse stories, horse people, history, rider fitness, and travel destinations.
There are numerous opportunities for more education about horses available in the horse industry. These opportunities include webinars, online courses, college courses, riding clinics, special educational programs for urban riding programs, and more. Nowadays, more institutions and organizations are offering education in person and online. Horse people love to learn more about horses, how to improve their riding skills, how to care for their horses better, topics on horse health care, etc. The sky is the limit on what we can learn about horses. And being an equestrian means lifelong learning as we strive to be better horse owners and caretakers.
Horse or equine entertainment includes everything from art, books, horse videos, parties and events, podcasts, and television (tv) shows and movies. Horse lovers enjoy horse entertainment of all kinds. Enjoy articles with book recommendations, movies that involve horses or the horse industry, podcast recommendations from the horse world, stories about authors and artists and other creatives, the creation or continuation of horse tv shows, news from events such as the Equus Film and Arts Fest, book reviews, and more. Readers can also comment on articles about their favorite books and authors, movies, etc. News from the horse industry also includes parties and special events, such as horse demonstrations and entertainment shows, such as Cavalia.
Equestrian Style
Equestrian style includes articles from Young Rider about horse-related clothing fashion, home styles and furnishings, crafts, and more. Learn how to make your very own horse crafts from both Young Rider and Horse Illustrated magazines, especially when the year-end holidays arrive. Find the greatest things to furnish your house to create an equestrian-styled theme. It's the best way to live the equestrian lifestyle and share your love of horses. Enjoy articles that showcase fun fashion finds for riders, including clothing, footwear, hats, and party-wear. And learn how to make your own decorations and equipment for the home and barn. Impress guests to your farm and home.
Horse Careers
Learn all about the horse careers available to horse people and those desiring to work with the horse industry. The horse industry has such a variety of vocational options. It's not just about being a barn manager, trainer, or riding instructor. Horse Illustrated and Young Rider explore careers as an equine business marketer, equine body worker, veterinarian, novelist, nutritionist, equine extension specialist, horse photographer, mounted police officer, horse rescue director, horse show judge, university equine faculty, course builder, equine lawyer, show manager, horse camp counselor, saddle fitter, owner of a horse boarding facility, and much more. Find your perfect horse vocation.
Horse History
Many of humankind's triumphs across time involve horses. Learn more about the history of horses with Horse Illustrated and Young Rider magazines. Our articles include more about how breeds developed and became the breed that we see today at various breed shows, the history of horse with man, and more. After all, the horse has come a long way since the days when he was a small mammal the size of a dog to the large single-toed people-carrying being he is today. And with 6,000 year of domestication, there's a lot of historical events and relevance to explore with Horse Illustrated amazing writers.
Horse Humor
Horse Humor articles from Young Rider share the fun side of horse ownership, the humorous side, and the lighthearted side. Behind all of the work, dedication, and commitment that it takes to own a horse is a lot of laughs, fun times, and memories. Without looking at the humorous side, it can just feel like endless chores. But not for those who are passionate about horses and know not to take it too seriously. Read stories from veterinarians, amateur riders, competitors, youth, and others who have found horse humor in events and happenings and just everyday living with their horses and ponies.
Horse Industry
The horse industry is a vibrant and economically diverse field, and Young Rider brings you news geared for youth from across the entire industry. It also contributes a lot to the American economy, including almost 1.7 million jobs through direct and indirect employment. In addition, it contributes more than $122 billion contribution toward the U.S. economy. Topics covered by Young Rider include awards, association news, new programs for horse people, horse business events, legislative changes, and more. Stay informed about the issues that matter to you and all horse owners, learn about all that horses and related organizations have to offer, and figure out what role you want to play within it.
Horse People
The horse industry is full of stories about interesting horse people from various disciplines, breeds, and styles of riding. Read their stories in Horse Illustrated and Young Rider magazines. See how others triumphed over a challenging riding or training situation, interesting feats riders have accomplished, and how others have overcome the odds for a big win at an equestrian competition. Learn how some have spent their lives helping horses and/or riders, either through rescues, therapeutic riding programs, or through charities that they are passionate about. Find inspiration and connection from the lives of other passionate horse people, including horse owners, riders, and those who love horses.
Horse Things
Every equestrian loves horse things with these majestic animals on them. Find some new items for your home, farm, and life through Horse Illustrated's shopping articles. We can help you find equine-related stuff to decorate with, use, or just look at and enjoy. We'll even provide links to where to purchase and more information about the product. There are so many companies out there that have tapped into the equine craze, and we know you will love what various equine companies have to offer. So get some new ideas from us and then hop online or to your local store and find your favorite horse stuff.
Rider Fitness
Rider wellbeing is crucial in order to continue participating in riding and equestrian sports. That includes rider fitness, mental wellbeing, and overall health. Horse Illustrated topics include yoga, meditation, losing weight, exercises to do on and off the horse, improving core strength, riding into middle and old age, breathing exercises, battling back pain, not getting overheated in hot weather riding, how to eat better, and more. Learn tips and tricks for rider fitness and to get healthier and stay that way so that you can ride well into your golden years. Your horse will like having a healthy owner to depend on for his care, and a fit rider is a better rider.
Horse travel articles can include everything from touring a museum with an exhibit geared around equines to touring a complete horse destination like the Kentucky Horse Park to doing a riding vacation within the United States or in foreign locations. Topics covered include the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame, dude ranches, camping with your horse, wellness retreats, or riding in locations like Wyoming, Ireland, Hawaii, Botswana, California's wine country, Alaska, the Rocky Mountains, Australia, and other locales. Our horse travel articles are a favorite for readers. Learn more about planning your next trip, what to pack, and other tips for becoming a globe-trotting equestrian.
Young Entrepreneurs
These young equestrian entrepreneurs have developed their own ways to make extra money by creating their own businesses. They are an inspiration to other young riders.