My name is KayLee Hunt and I’m a 16-year-old senior in high school. I stay busy with my equine activities along with my high school experiences. I’m a cheerleader, gymnast, business owner, on a drill team, and taking college classes while in high school. I have a full plate!
Favorite Breed
When I was 12, I begged for a horse, finally convincing my parents to let me have my own after taking lessons. That’s when I got Jag, my cremello Mountain Pleasure gelding. I fell in love with horses and the Mountain Pleasure breed.
I shared my passion for horses with my parents. Both of them followed me on my new journey and ended up getting their own Mountain Pleasure horses. Seeing as they are a rare breed with only about 2,000 left in the world, I decided to focus on promoting this breed.
Finding Cash
I joined the Rockin R Rhythm Riders Drill Team. This drill team focuses on the Mountain Pleasure breed and was a perfect fit for me. A couple of years after I joined, I decided to work on my drill team coach’s farm one summer. There was a colt in the yearling field—he would be 2 that fall and was almost ready to be started under saddle.
He was a little rambunctious and didn’t like to be touched, and I was the only one who could easily catch him in the field. That summer the colt named Cash and I fell in love with each other. I saved all my money from working that summer and bought him.
He’s a gorgeous palomino whose full name is Circle K’s Shellin’ Out the Cash. I always like to tell people that his name has a story because I spent all my cash on him! He is now 4 and still runs to me when I call his name.
Staying Busy
I now have six horses and own a horseback riding business of my own with all of our registered Mountain Pleasure horses. Our drill team has ridden at four BreyerFests and continues to guide others to horses and this breed.
I continue to try to educate others about the breed and horses. We have been a part of two documentaries and podcasts. This summer, we were a part of the Equine Legacy Project, and had the opportunity to work with a team from the Netherlands.
Now that the school year has started back up, I have to take a step back from my horses to focus on school. School has never been my favorite thing, but it’s something I have to do.
Time Management
I often have too much on my plate and need help prioritizing all my activities. Sometimes you have to admit you can’t do everything at once, which I often struggle to realize.
When I have too much on my plate, I love to go for trail rides. Prioritizing your schedule and needs can be a huge part of how to be a successful student, equestrian, athlete, and for me, a business owner.
I love horses and am forever thankful for the opportunities and friendships they’ve brought to my life.
This article about KayLee Hunt appeared in the January/February 2024 issue of Young Rider magazine. Click here to subscribe!